I feel like I'm living in a pressure cooker
Being compressed, compressed and compressed
I still am breathing, gasping for air.
Teared multiple times over this.
I know the only thing I can do now is to hold on to this
I can no longer step back, but only move forward
This is tough
STPM is no joke
Pressure by people around
Pressure build on my past results
Pressure by myself
Expectations definitely
Expectations of my own capability
What if I cannot meet even my own expectations?
What if I already put in my very best and cannot perform?
What if I disappoint those that had hope on me?
Couldn't think much further.
The only thing I can do is to rest in God
To surrender everything.
The anxiety. The fear. The worries.
loving the stillness of the lake
and I can sit there doing nothing
for a long period of time.