Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Gotong Royong

I only joined the school's gotong-royong on the 7th year in secondary school
All of a sudden have the enthusiasm to join all these school events
Am I one of those who love the school? Yes, I do! :)

I was involved in cleaning the class and also the flying squad of Pre-U Council
I helped cleaning the oh-so-dirty study tables and painted those doors with 'defect'
The sense of satisfaction after cleaning so much, feels sticky, but then come to think about the clean study table. It's all worth it

One of the pics taken

After the gotong royong, some of us went for lunch at Little Break Cafe (my new hangout spot)
It was to celebrate Shi Yien's Birthday :)

7 years in Secondary School
Have to really bid a goodbye this year, officially graduating
No more extending anymore
I would say, the seven years were not a short period of time
Many stories, events, incident took place here
Many friendships were build here
Inspiration comes.
For the past seven years,
I go to school about 9 months a year
I go to school 5 days a week
I go to school for at least 6 hours a day
A place I will never forget


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

the birds

During assembly this morning, suddenly a flight of birds, flying in the symmetric V-shaped flight formation passed by. Though it was not exactly a perfect V, but it can be seen clearly the birds are flying in many of these 'V's! I was amazed by the way they travel.

It is said that the V formation helps the birds in their efficiency during flying where they are actually helping each other by supporting each other.

After those flight of birds passed by, I then saw another bird that flew alone, and went to the other direction compared to the previous flight, as if it strayed away from the gang.

This scene means something to me. I would want to be part of the team, contributing in the team, supporting and helping each other. Learning to adapt to others' weaknesses and learn to take the lead. I don't want to see myself or others' stray away and end up in nowhere. 

V formation

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

V day

You're God's gift to me.
Appreciate every time spent together,
heart-to-heart talks we had.
Thank you for always being there for me,
listening to my frustrations, fears, worries, stories.
Always ready to encourage me.

Am really blessed to have you in my life, M

Happy Valentine's Day

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sometimes I don't even know do I like that person. perhaps you too?

If you have an uncomfortable or awkward or askgmk feeling when that person goes after another one or moves into an relationship. It means you've got something towards him/her.

Find it kind of true

Let it past.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Because I care

No Expectations. No Dissapointments.

Sometimes people don't notice the things we do for them until we stop doing for them.

I wish they would appreciate every little thing I did for them.

You start to get hurt the moment you begin to care.


These are what I've heard.

It's true, I believe.

I've been giving a lot I guess.

Indeed, I find it a joy to give, to help others, to care for others.

You do a lot of thinking, and that's what that kills you