I only joined the school's gotong-royong on the 7th year in secondary school
All of a sudden have the enthusiasm to join all these school events
Am I one of those who love the school? Yes, I do! :)
I was involved in cleaning the class and also the flying squad of Pre-U Council
I helped cleaning the oh-so-dirty study tables and painted those doors with 'defect'
The sense of satisfaction after cleaning so much, feels sticky, but then come to think about the clean study table. It's all worth it
One of the pics taken
After the gotong royong, some of us went for lunch at Little Break Cafe (my new hangout spot)
It was to celebrate Shi Yien's Birthday :)
7 years in Secondary School
Have to really bid a goodbye this year, officially graduating
No more extending anymore
I would say, the seven years were not a short period of time
Many stories, events, incident took place here
Many friendships were build here
Inspiration comes.
For the past seven years,
I go to school about 9 months a year
I go to school 5 days a week
I go to school for at least 6 hours a day
A place I will never forget